Necessity is the mother of invention

Born at the University of Waikato, we understand that doing good science means having the right tools. But what do you do if those tools don't exist yet?

We build them.

Dr Adam Hartland

Co-inventor of the SYP fluid sampler, Adam is committed to developing new scientific tools that scientists love to use and add value to research. Adam uses his expertise in analytical environmental chemistry to develop new sensing and measurement tools.

Dr Seb Breitenbach

Seb is a paleoclimatologist at Northumbria University with a long history of autosampler development, culminating in co-invention of the SYP fluid sampler with Dr Adam Hartland. Seb uses carbonate and stable isotope geochemistry to reconstruct past environmental conditions and works in wide-ranging multidisciplinary teams to understand the impact of climate on society.

Seb Hoepker

A PhD student at the University of Waikato, Seb is developing a new hydroclimate proxy by analysing the interactions of trace metals and organic ligands in drip water from cave stalagmites. Seb has established monitoring programmes in New Zealand and islands of the South Pacific, and simulated carbonate growth by mimicking cave conditions in the lab.

Waikato Scientific Instruments exists to share the benefits of scientific tools developed at the University of Waikato.

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“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”

— Galileo Galilei